学术报告:Hydrolases and non-conventional media


学术报告:Hydrolases and non-conventional media

报告人: Francesco Secundo

时  间:20171124日下午230 -500



Different ways to use organic solvents in biocatalysis-biphasic systems. Catalytic mechanism, and essential amino acids for catalyisis.

Pure organic solvents in particular with lipases. Description of dependence of enzyme properties (activity and enantioselectivity) on organic solvents. Formulation of enzymes as strategy to improve activity in organic solvents.

Enzymes for prevention of Biofilms


Francesco Secundo博士长期从事生物催化剂,酶的固定化,蛋白质构象,食品样品分析方面的研究,合计发表SCI论文100余篇。此外, 他也在多所知名大学做过访问学者,开展了广泛的合作。

Francesco Secundo博士目前担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Chemistry的客座编辑, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering的编委, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation journal 副主编, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 的编委。