海洋食品及分子营养国际论坛· 2018(最终通知)


International Forum of Marine Foods and Molecular Nutrition

6-8 November 2018, Qingdao, China

(Final announcement)

Marine acts as blue granary for human beings and provides abundant food resources. With the population explosion and the sharp decrement of cultivated land resources, development of advanced techniques for marine food processing and quality control will significantly improve the supply quality of marine food and provide more effective guarantee for the future food security for human beings. Molecular nutrition research is a frontier in the food nutrition research field. It reveals the molecular mechanisms of nutritional components in food based on genes, proteins and other molecules. It can provide theoretical guidance for the development of functional foods, foods for special dietary uses, and other new types of foods. In order to promote the rapid development of marine foods and molecular nutrition research, to strengthen the academic communication, and to build a bridge between marine food-related research and molecular nutrition research, Ocean University of China (OUC) will hold the International Forum of Marine Foods and Molecular Nutrition in November in 2018.

  1. OrganizerOcean University of China (OUC)

Chairman: Professor, Changhu Xue, Ocean University of China

Secretariat: Professor,Hong Lin, Ocean University of China

Assistant secretariat: Professor, Qingjuan Tang, Ocean University of China

  1. Arrangement

Registration: 2018/11/6

Forum: 2018/11/6~2018/11/8

Location: Fuxin Hotel (No.5 Minjiang Road, Qingdao, China).

  1. Topics

Three topics of interest are included, but not limited to1) Seafood Processing and Quality Control2) Food Nutrition and Molecular Mechanism3) Development of Functional Foods and Foods for special dietary uses. The following eighteen experts are invited.

Topic 1Seafood Processing and Quality Control

Topic 2Food Nutrition and Molecular Mechanisms

Topic 3Advanced Technologies in Food Processing

  1. Organizing Committee Contact information

Hu Hou; Tel: 0086-532-82031936; E-mail: houhu@ouc.edu.cn

Bingjie Liu; Tel: 0532-82032093; E-mail: liubj@ouc.edu.cn

  1. For the detailed schedule, please refer to the attachment.

    海洋食品及分子营养国际论坛· 2018(最终通知)

2018116-8日,中国 青岛


  1. 主办单位:中国海洋大学

  2. 会议主席:薛长湖,教授,中国海洋大学



  1. 会议安排:



会议地点:府新大厦(青岛市闽江路 5号,0532-85913688

  1. 会议重点议题:

  本届会议的重点议题是:1. 海洋食品加工及质量控制;2. 食品营养及分子机制;3. 食品创新技术。会议邀请18位海内外专家,为您带来海洋食品与分子营养学研究的最新技术和研究成果。邀请嘉宾如下(按姓氏字母顺序):




  1. 会务组联系方式



  1. 日程详情请参见附件Attachment,+Schedule-201800927.doc

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