学术报告:法国国立布列塔尼大学Laurent ESCLADE教授讲学


学术报告:法国国立布列塔尼大学Laurent ESCLADE教授讲学

报告人Laurent ESCLADE




法国国立布列塔尼大学Laurent ESCLADE教授前来讲学,将为同学们带来6个学时的课程,时间为周一13:30-17:20及周三15:30-17:20,地点在0405教室,涉及多个主题,报告语言为英语,欢迎各位同学踊跃参加。


1-Fabrication de la Bière : Brewing beer :

History, kinds of beer and habits of consumers. Beer from malt, steps of brewing, control of fermentation. Economics influence on the quality of beer.


2-Fabrication de la choucroute : Fabrication of Sauerkraut Suāncài

History and dissemination ?. Type of cabbage used ? steps of fermentation and microorganisms involved. Commun preparations.


3-Ionisation des aiments : Ionisation for preservation of Food :

Methods used, legislation, effects on microorganisms and different classes of nutrients, scientific and non scientific debates.


4-Méthodes classiques de sterilization : Classical steps and apparatus in sterilization of food





2016 : International Relations Manager of ESIAB

2008 : Vice Head of ESMISAB (became ESIAB) and International Relations Manager

2004 : International Relations Manager

1999 : Manager of the 2nd year of ESMISAB (equivalent Master 1st year)

1992 : Assistant professor (ESMISAB)

1991-1992 : Research Engineer (National research center –Montreal – Quebec)

1989-1990 : Research Engineer (Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne – Switzerland)

1986-1987 : Research Engineer (NationalBloodCenter –France)

1984-1986 : Postdoctoral fellow (University of Technology-Compiègne-France)

1980-1984 : PhD fellow (University of Technology-Compiègne-France)

1979-1980 : Research Internship at Pennsylvaniauniversity (Philadelphia-USA)





1984:PhD in Industrial Biotechnology (University of Technology-Compiègne-France)

1979: Engineer (Master of Sciences) in Biological Engineering (University of Technology-Compiègne-France)



Professional experience


Main Teaching in Industrial Food Engineering, Food Processing, Industrial Microbiology, Biochemistry, Mathematics


Research on immobilized enzymes, monoclonal antibody production, animal cell culture optimisation, studies of contaminations in dairy products, effects of stress on the metabolites produced by useful Penicillium in food industry